Image ID: 10010698
Caption: The Science Community/Settlement of Ny-Alesund on Svalbard. Ny-Ålesund is one of the world's northernmost settlements at 78°55′N 11°56′E, and is the world's northernmost functional public settlement. Ny-Ålesund is located on Brøggerhalvøya and Kongsfjorden on the Svalbard archipelago. Today, it is inhabited by a permanent population of approximately 30–35 people. who either work for one of the research stations (e.g. the NERC UK Station, run by the British Antarctic Survey) or the logistics and supply company Kings Bay AS, which 'owns' and runs the research village. In the summer the activity in Ny-Ålesund is greatly increased with up to 120 researchers, technicians, and field assistants.
Keywords: Arctic | Arctic Research Station | Ny-Alesund | | | | | | | | Svalbard
Location: Ny-Alesund, Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Season: 2012/2013
Photographer: Pete Bucktrout
Image size (pixels): 10289 x 2665